Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hills and hunger flats

Just a short one today, nothing much really happened. Too busy sleeping most of the day.

So it turns out that more than 1 person is actually reading my blog which actually kind of surprises me. Reading back on them, I realise that they aren’t all that interesting to read and I have done exactly what i'd hoped not to do and that was rant on about nothng in particular.

Today was a long ride day. Headed off at 9:00 for what was supposed to be 80-90kms in the hills. May Britt and her rider Juan were taking us out. The boys were meant to do between 100-120km but decided that they would join us and do some extra k’s after. The ride was really hilly and we did a few hard hill efforts which people weren’t too happy about considering we have crit racing tomorrow. Once again the scenery was absolutely wonderful. There were areas which were bound under trees like a rainforest with lodges and farmhouses. breathtaking. We also rode up a climb that is going to be in the State titles which we will ride in a couple of weeks. It is insanely steep and the girls have to climb up it 3 times whist the boys do it 6. That’s going to be one hard race. Pretty sure i was close to getting off and walking bits of it. The boys didn’t bring any food on the ride because they ‘didn’t have any’ (we later discovered that they had 4 boxes of muesli bars in their cupboard…lol) and so majorly hunger flatted and were in the box pretty much the whole ride. Needless to say they didn’t bother doing an extra 30km when we finished. Instead they came back to our place and ate all our food haha. I rode next to May Britt for most of the ride and it was interesting hearing about her career and how she coaches and what she has planned for her athletes. Its good hearing other people's perspective on things.
We got back from our ride at around lunchtime and tucked in for a massive meal. We all then pretty much collapsed on our beds and didn’t move for the rest of the arvo. Late afternoon, the boys came over to help with dinner (hamburgers and salad) and the girls ventured down to Turkey Hill (the local gas station and hot spot at night for druggies, coppers and carlos) to get slushies for the boys (which i accidently spilt on the counter and the sales lady...oops..), stocked up on colouring books and pencils from the dollar store and movies from the movie shop. We’ve got a movie night planned for the girls on Sunday, should be good.
Got to remind myself to stock up on lollies and America stuff from the dollar shop (they have some pretty awesome stuff I must admit, they even have a pregnancy test for $1?...)

Hope all is going well back in Aus,


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